At Adab Sarees, we strive to ensure a seamless shipping experience for all our customers in India. Please familiarize yourself with the following shipping policy details:

Order Processing:

  1. Processing Time: Orders are typically processed within 1-3 business days from the date of purchase. Customized orders or items temporarily out of stock may require additional processing time.

  2. Order Confirmation: Upon placing an order, you will receive an email confirmation with details of your purchase and estimated delivery times.

Shipping Methods and Timelines:

  1. Domestic Shipping (India): Domestic orders within India usually arrive within 3-7 business days after the order has been processed. However, please note that customized orders or items marked as temporarily out of stock may take longer to ship.

  2. International Shipping: International orders generally take between 7-21 business days for delivery after order processing. Extended delivery times may apply to customized orders or out-of-stock items.

Shipping Costs:

  1. Domestic Orders (India): For domestic orders below the free shipping threshold, shipping costs will be 150 rupees. Orders above 7000 rupees qualify for free shipping.

  2. International Orders: Shipping costs for international orders are determined at checkout based on the destination and package weight.

Order Tracking:

  1. Tracking Information: After your order has been shipped, a shipping confirmation email containing tracking details will be sent. You can use this information to track the delivery status of your order.

Customized Orders:

  1. Delivery Timeframe: Customized orders may require additional production time, extending the total delivery period. Please allow an estimated 40 days from order placement for the delivery of customized items.

Out-of-Stock Items:

  1. Extended Delivery: For items temporarily out of stock, the estimated delivery period is also 40 days from the date of order placement. Our team will notify you of any delays and provide updates on the shipment status.

Address Accuracy:

  1. Customer Responsibility: It is the customer's responsibility to provide accurate shipping addresses. Adab Sarees will not be held responsible for delays or undelivered packages due to incorrect addresses provided by the customer.

Delivery Exceptions:

  1. Unforeseen Circumstances: Unforeseen events such as inclement weather, natural disasters, or carrier delays may impact delivery times. Your patience and understanding during such situations are greatly appreciated.

Lost or Stolen Packages:

  1. Claims: Adab Sarees cannot be held liable for lost or stolen packages after they have been marked as delivered by the carrier. Customers are advised to contact the respective carrier for assistance in such cases.

Contact Us:

For any questions, concerns, or further assistance regarding our shipping policy, please reach out to our customer service team at 98961-68099.

Thank you for choosing Adab Sarees for your ethnic clothing needs.



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